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He made learning fun and he was extremely thought provoking. He made me want to explore my love of English.

-- a student from Mercersburg Academy 

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They were hanging on every word. 

---Josh Yeckley, Bishop McDevitt High School

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Your visit to my class yesterday was supportive, informative, and inspirational.  As a second year teacher of Creative Writing in a school that has never had such a program before, I found your videos, instructional materials, and especially your visit has helped improve my course

---Marti Sload, Bermudian Spring High School

 I cannot express to you how impactful this was for them- it's like the spark has been rekindled.

--Katherine Deane
Creative Writing Teacher

Capital Area School for the Arts

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We had no idea that your Writing degree intermingled creative writing courses and technical writing courses.  What a great idea, considering that the worlds of creative nonfiction and technical writing put writers in demand. 

 ---Bob Hankes, Boiling Springs High School                                                                                          

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Thanks for coming in and visiting with us. I'd love to have more partnerships like this with the University.   There is tremendous potential in a closer relationship. 

--Bill August, Principal, Big Spring   

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They loved how “a college professor could make something make sense for high school freshmen students!” I received several parent e-mails Monday night saying how their kids could not stop talking to them about the class as well. Many were asking when you were coming back in.

---Tricia Donly, Mechanicsburg High School

I thought his presentation to our class was amazing.

---Bermudian High School student.

Thank you so much for coming in. They are really looking at their senses now instead of trying to stay in the box of the dreaded 5 paragraph essay.

--Melissa Ann-Pero, Bermudian High School

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